Little Sofia...

She's almost 6 years old alerady... I didn't realise it... For me I just still alooking at my little 3 years old sis... LOL...

There's  she is... My little Sofia... Intan Sofia...

She's the only one who closeer to me than other sisters...  Actually she loves choclate and LUXURY Choclate Biscuits... Once she grabble all the biscuits in one nite... Waw! She realy loves it...

She's my trute love... When I'm in bad mood I'll call mama and ask to talk with her... "abg watpe...? Bila abg nk balek umah...: Haha so sweet lorrr... Anyone who hear her voice will cayer you know... So sweet... Miss you Sofia... After I finish my work I'll go back home as fast I could... Perhaps next 2 months I'll play with you again... Tc Sofia...

Miss You!

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