Does My Head Look Big In This?

Bismillah... Today I got something to share to everyone... When I read about one article I felt it was realy impressive... Actually it's a novel but I just found an article about it during surfing the internet. So I'll repost so everyone might read it peacely inshAllah...

I'm terrified. But at the same time I feel like my passion and conviction in Islam are bursting inside me and I want to prove to myself that I'm strong enough to wear a badge of my faith. I believe it will make me feel so close to God. Because it's damn hard to walk around with people staring at your "happy head" and not feel kind of pleased with yourself - if you manage to get through the stares and comments with yout head held high. That's when this warm feeling buzzes through you and you smile to yourself, knowing God's watching you, knowing that He knows you're trying to be strong to please Him. Like you're both in on a private joke and something special  and warm and extraordinary is happening and nobody in the world knows  about it because it's your own experience , your own personal friendship  with your Creator. I guess when I'm not wearing the hijab I feel like I'm missing out. I feel cheated out of that special bond.

*taken from Randa Abdel-Fattah (2005), Does My Head Look Big In This? Australia: Pac Macmillan

I wish I could find this novel... I guess I shoud find it somewhere.... So you do... enjoy mates!

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